Friday, January 16, 2009

The Thrill of the Chase

I love reading. I really do. But I think I enjoy the acquisition of books just as much. The thrill of finding a gem in a charity shop, the atmosphere of the independent bookstore, the swapping process on ReadItSwapIt and the wealth of books for free from the library. All of these are great, but I still love browsing in the large bookshops, even if I rarely buy anything there these days.

Yesterday, I called into Borders on Oxford Street. Just because it was there really. So many books. It was wonderful. I was close to climbing onto the 3 for 2 table and rolling around amongst the books, I was that overcome with joy.

They had such a great selection. But still common sense prevailed and I left empty-handed. I need to reduce the "To Be Read" pile significantly before I can buy anything more.

Although swapping is an entirely different matter...

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