Thursday, August 21, 2008

Inspired By: "Replay" by Ken Grimwood

Another foray into Science Fiction, a genre I had normally avoided. This time "Replay" by Ken Grimwood.

Jeff Winston dies suddenly in 1988 at age 43, discontented with his life.
He immediately reawakens in 1963 at age 18, in his college dorm room.
Disoriented and confused, he discovers that he gets to live his life all over
again. And again. And again.

It was (to use that over-used phrase) a thought-provoking read. I enjoyed the earlier part of the book a lot, seeing what the effect of different choices on the way life turns out. The second part of the book, with ideas about aliens and dolphins didn't interest me quite so much.

So I've been thinking about what I would do if I was given the chance to replay my life. A few things I'd change depending on how far back I was sent:

I would pick the other dolls house for Christmas when I was 8.
I wouldn't do French A Level. I'd do German instead and I would keep it up afterwards.
I would study harder for the Oxford exam
I wouldn't take the first job I'm offered and move to London.
I'd take a year off and travel to South America
I'd make a move to work in the theatre industry sooner
I'd find a way of buying a property before the price rises and sell before they dropped

Given the chance to "Replay", what would you do differently? (You can't influence major world events though unless you were involved in them originally)

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